Staten Island Election Night beating victim arrested for allegedly stealing car
by Staten Island Advance Thursday February 05, 2009, 10:56 AM

Staten Island Advance/Michael Oates
Ali Kamara is led out of the 120th Precinct stationhouse this morning.
While Mr. Kamara's attack was the catalyst that launched the investigation into the Rosebank Krew, there are still other victims. Victims that would not have seen justice if not for Mr. Kamara.
We owe our thanks to him for that, and there will be no releasing of anyone...even if you vacate the assault charges against Kamara, there are still other victims.
Mr. kamara is deserving of the full weight of justice as well. If (when) he is found guilty, he should be given a sentence that is commensurate with the crime he committed and any previous criminal record he might have. He has seriously damaged any civil case he was considering ONLY because the jury will have less sympathy for him when considering any award. He does however still have a case, and with the guilty pleas, its a lock.
The racial insensitivity being displayed here is the same problem that started this entire ball rolling. It is the latest reason that Staten Island's NATIONAL name is forever linked with racial violence specifically associated with the election. Think people, think about what you say in front of your children, think about how your narrow views are no longer in line with the way the rest of the country is going. I live here, I love it here, and some people are turning what I love into a cesspool of hatred and intolerance. If you don't like other types of people from different walks of life- LEAVE! Staten Island will be better for your absence.