Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama is President, is racism over?

When the first African-American was allowed to vote, racism didn't end. When the first African-American became a doctor or a lwayer, racism didn't end. When the first Black baseball player joind the American league, racism didn't end. When the first black congressperson was elected, racism didn't end. When the first Black governor was elected, racism didn't end. When the first Black astronaut went into space, racism didn't end.

Do you see a recurring theme here?
...ONE MORE When the first African-American president was elected, racism didn't end. Racism is in the hearts of individuals, and hardened hearts are unlikely to be changed by exterior events. It is up to all of us, AS INDIVIDUALS to decide collectively that TODAY is the day that racism ends....until NEVER will.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The struggle continues...

One would think that the formation of these United States under the Constitution would signal didn't.

One might believe that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclomation would usher in a new era of equality for didn't.

Some may believe that Civil Rights Era victories would pave the way for all of us to treat each other with respect and dignity....they didn't.

No law, no edict from God, no threat of imprisonment nor loss of financial security has been sufficient to force Americans to be colorblind when it comes to dealing with our many differences.

On Tuesday, January 20th, We reach yet another milestone. We join our nation's inauguration of the first African-American President...and still we struggle.

Barack Obama's acension to the presidency has done little to ease racial tension on Staten Island this is particularly evident. Evident in bars and on blogs, on street corners and in our current houses of government, what is evident is that there are still those that see us as less than equals, not by a little but by much. I have tried to consider the sources, I have tried to turn the other cheek, I have tried to ignore it with the hope that it would eventually fade, I have even blamed my brothers and sisters. The fault is NOT with us, it is with them. They are what needs fixing, they are the ones who are dificient in character, they are shorting themselves, not us. That still leaves the issue intact. How to effect change in the character and the way of thinking of someone you need. Thats right, you read correctly, no matter how disparate we are we still need each other. I need my Anglo brothers just like I need my Asian brothers just like I need my Hispanic brothers...we all need each other. So where do we go from here? My hand is outstretched to begin the dialogue, who among us is bold enough to meet my hand.