Folks we are not putting our best foot forward. Our online profiles are more than just the who, what, when, where, and how. They are often either an invitation to get to know us better, an advertisement for networking opportunities, or the most popular, a means of selling (not literally) ourselves to the members of the opposite sex (not me, I'm taken).
That said I feel its justified in saying WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? I get that it is your favorite picture, right after you got a new outfit and a fresh hairstyle...but you took the picture in your messy room....with the clothes on the floor!? I understand the bathroom is the only place for private picture taking in the mirror, but some soft scrub and a little tidying up can go a long way. I get that you are leaning on some strangers Mercedes or BMW, but what are you going to say when they ask you to 'pick them up'? I know that they are your best friend since grammar school, but a boogah-bear is a boogah-bear, and you are likely to scare someone off just lookin at your ugly friend. Now I am by no means advocating not being yourself. If by all means you are a slob with ugly friends, then so be it. But most online profiles offer the opportunity to meet new people, to open new avenues of commerce, or to find a new mate. Just be sure that what you are selling, people actually want to buy. For the young ladies out there...what you show, is what they want...if you are half-naked, that is what they will expect when they meet you...learn ladies, sexy is not naked, they are not the same..a little class will net you the right friends.
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