Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Could an Obama presidency hurt black Americans?

I decided that using the exact headline is fitting in this case. As we rest on the cusp of one of the most exciting moments in African-American history....this question is asked. The linked article (http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/07/22/obama.hurt.blacks/index.html) from CNN goes on to explain that this is not just an issue raised by radical militant black leadership, but represents some mainstream fears as well.
The possibility that an African-American achieving the highest office in the land would 'turn-off' the race issue, or negate its power is a slight reality. But let's look at it this way....there have long been doctors, and lawyers, teachers, principals, mayors, and congressmen. Generals, Admirals, Professors, CEOs, COOs, CFOs, and Board members. There are any number of high paying, or high status jobs and occupations in which African-Americans have excelled. And yet with all this...there is still the ugly stories of Jena 6, the Katrina (lack of) response and Coal Run, Ohio where an entire black community was denied water service.
Don't think for even one minute that an African-American in the role of President stops the race clock. There still exists today the spectre of institutional racism. Its not going away with this election, its not going away with Obama's success. It will ONLY be gone when the people who hate, knowingly and unknowingly, decide that THEY no longer want to participate in a society of hatred and discrimination. Only then will racism be defeated.

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