Friday, September 26, 2008

Louisiana Lawmaker Proposes new version of Final Solution

In a brainstorming session, with generational welfare as the central topic, the 'Jessica Simpson' of the Louisiana legislature came up with a bone-headed idea that is eerily reminiscent of Hitler and eugenics. Rep. John LaBruzzo offered to the discussion a proposal to pay poor women $1000 to undergo tubal ligation. He used as a backdrop the 1000's of poor that were trapped in New Orleans for Katrina and those that were evacuated at public expense for Gustav. We saw those videos...he says poor, but he means black. In a video interview with CNN's Kyra Phillips, he can barely contain himself from referring to 'those people', these people' etc. Isn't he the representative of 'those people'? Kyra blows it out of the water when she gives the poverty statistics for Louisiana 17% with children and 23% without, which means the lawmakers should be focusing on the adult population. But why even go that far, poverty in Louisiana has been on the decline statewide. He also tries to deflect race as an issue during an interview with ABC News

but he is wrong again. From the same statistics quoted by Kyra Phillips the number of Blacks in poverty is 552,352 compared to 355,675 White ( It is this low-key seemingly innocent thought process that starts the ball rolling on the 'THEM - vs - US'. This is not happening here, but if it starts just becomes a matter of time. To quote our next First Lady "wake up Black People"

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