Saturday, October 25, 2008

10 days till history begins...

but will it be short lived|?

This historic election will draw to a close in 10 days and Barack Obama will be elected the first African-American President. He faces the most difficult challenge to any person entering the office of the Presidency,. His issues are doubled with the historical significance, and all eyes will be on him. Black eyes will be looking with pride and hope. Many will pray daily that he doesn't drop the ball or embarrass us. White eyes will look just as intently. They will be looking for favoritism, and some will be waiting impatiently for the 'see, I told you so' moment. His first four, heck his first year MUST produce noticeable change in the status of the country. This is close to an impossible feat by normal standards, but if he can do it, it will only serve to add to the legacy of the first African-American President.

Growing up (I'm 44), we were always taught from grade school age, that we could be anything we wanted to be. All we had to do was study hard, apply ourselves, and make good choices. In my naivite, I believed it all. It was not until the begining of the primaries that I realized that I had been fed a line my entire life. Institutionally, the words were true, but just wasn't ever going to happen. Fast forward to today and prayers, are being answered, history is being made, and we are all witnesses. It doesn't end the chapter of institutional discrimination, nor does it minimize the real pain of all who have been stung...It does however begin a new chapter....

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